Heroine Rises

'Sassy Steel' Remaster

May 25 2021

Meet Juliette Sandover, Madeline's closest friend who promises to bring a bit of steel to the timid duo of Madeline and Julian.

The remastered version of Chapter 3 Sassy Steel is now available to read on the Heroine Rises reader. Click here to start reading!

Sassy Steel

Would you believe it? A chapter finished before the deadline? Amazing isn't it? I did start to feel a bit burnt out towards the tail end of the chapter but I think that's down to the fact that the chapter didn't have many 'fun' panels to draw. Drawing Juliette is always a treat but one that grows tiresome real quick with her messy (ahem by choice) hair. I still had fun with this chapter but I discovered that my paneling and compositions in early chapters leave much to be desired. With this chapter done, we can look forward to new tales - but I'll get into that a bit later with the looking forward section.

As for the chapter, in this second part of the Chapter, we follow Madeline who continues to work on her plan to protect herself and Julian from the physical threats of Northern Serenity. That solution happens to be named Juliette Sandover. Juliette is, in my opinion, one of the most fun characters to write. I hope her personality shines through. She's tough but has one of the most caring hearts in all of Heroine Rises... if you get on her good side. Her loyalty and devotion to Madeline create an unbreakable bond between the two. While Madeline and Julian are certainly close, Juliette is Madeline's closest friend and vice-versa. There is some friction between Julian and Juliette the story will explore later on. I can't wait to further flesh out the relationships and interactions between these three in future chapters.

The Road Ahead

So what now?

I said that Chapter 3 would be the final 'remaster' and that the following chapters would be simple re-draws but I really want to get into the meat and potatoes of Madeline and Clarissa's relationship. I have some exciting ideas that hopefully flesh out the two women's motives. I also want to shed some light on Jacques Harbour without leaving things too vague and forgettable (like they are now) but not bore people to death by laying out the entire Harbour family history into the newly Remastered Chapter 4.

In summary, I plan to remaster Chapter 4: Mother's Concerns before being done with remasters and finally being able to focus 100% on new chapters.


Remember how I said I started to feel a bit burnt out with my old compositions? That just might prevent me from working on HR04 immediately.

Before I get started with the new Chapter 4, I think I want to try my hand at finishing Chapter 12: The Issue with Mothers. Chapter 12 is back! This chapter has 2 or 3 more parts left to it, two of which are quite short so could be released pretty quickly. I haven't cooked up a schedule yet so I can't say with certainty when the new Heroine Rises will drop but come back in around a month or less. If not a chapter, some update.

I'll work on the redraws of chapter 5 concurrently if time permits.

Until next time!

-Ezequiel Espinoza Diaz
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