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Heroine Rises

Madeline Harbour and her team of friends face off against the menaces of Northern Serenity in their pursuit of Heroism and the Greater Good.

More about Heroine Rises

On the island city of Northern Serenity, criminal gangs rule the scarred streets while citizens fight for survival... unless you're Madeline Harbour and live in the comfort of the Eastern Island! From the outside looking in, Madeline longs to ease the city's divisions by doing what she does best - solving mysteries.

Starting off small, Madeline takes on bigger cases in the hopes that she can solve the biggest mystery of her life: The disappearance of her father Jacques some 15 years ago. Vanishing under mysterious circumstances and pursing a goal he kept secret from everyone, Madeline hopes to discover the truth about what happened and finally heal the emotional pain in her mother’s heart.

Madeline’s desire to become a heroine the city can look up to pits her against hardened criminals, corrupt police officers, power hungry politicians, and sadistic crime lords. Madeline’s pursuit of Jacques lands her in front of mysterious and mystical artifacts and the shadowy figures bent on protecting their secrets. Madeline quickly realizes that her luxurious upbringing has not prepared her for the quest - but so long as she has her friends - that coveted 'heroic' status will always be within reach.

Story and Art by Ezequiel Espinoza Diaz, created December 2018

Meet the Cast

  • Madeline Harbour
    Madeline Harbour

    Rich, Ambitious, Naive. Madeline is the leader of her detective group and dreams of being a heroine. Her physical weakness is mitigated by her quick thinking and empathy.

  • Juliette Sandover
    Juliette Sandover

    Brash, Hardy, Sassy. Juliette is the team's rock - or steel. Her bold personality may get her in trouble, but under Madeline's watch, Juliette gives the team a sharp edge in confrontations.

  • Julian Gaitan
    Julian Gaitan

    Eager, Idealistic, and a wee bit Cowardly. Julian tries to be the balance between Madeline's passive and Juliette's fire. When not arguing with Juliette, Julian handles the logistics and research.

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Serenity Underground
Serenity Underground