Heroine Rises

Mother's Concerns

February 19 2019

Madeline Harbour confronts her best friend/biggest obstacle in her mother.

Click here to read Mother's Concerns, the fourth chapter of Heroine Rises!

After Sassy Steel, Madeline has recruited the caring Julian Gaitan and the tougher Juliette Sandover and is almost ready to start investigating her first big case... but she needs to get the permission of her mother. Clarissa Harbour loves Madeline, more than anything, and will go to extreme lengths to protect her from anything - but Madeline must convince her to loosen her grip - despite Clarissa's reasons.

I struggled a bit with this chapter - I still got it done but I found it hard to keep up with a page a day. I tried working the backgrounds a bit more, so maybe that's why I found it harder than the previous chapters. I also had to spend an extra day on the final page and cover but I managed to get it done! I just need to work on streamlining my workflow. I found that some of my handwriting is a bit hard to read so I looked around and found a font I like. I'm considering using a typed font instead of handwritten for the next chapter but I'm not sure as of yet.

The next chapter is titled The First Case and will start to flesh out one half of the city and introduce us to Ada Lima, the woman who requested Madeline's help for finding her stolen ring. I'll try to get it out in two weeks like always... but this chapter might be longer than usual so if I don't have it done by then, I might just take another week and release a longer chapter in three. Stay posted.

Follow my Instagram for more consistent updates on art and Heroine Rises!

-Ezequiel Espinoza Diaz
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