Heroine Rises

The First Case

March 12 2019

Madeline heads to the wealthy neighborhood of the Palisades to meet Ada Lima, who had her precious ruby ring stolen.

Click here to read The First Case, the fifth chapter of Heroine Rises!

Madeline awakens after confronting her mother in the previous chapter to begin her quest. Her first case involves her finding out what happened to a ruby ring that belonged to a woman by the name of Ada Lima. Madeline meets Ada to get information about the case while learning why the ring is so valuable to Ada.

This chapter took three weeks and is longer by four pages than the others. I wanted to keep going and make it a few pages longer but I didn't really have the script or concept art for some settings I need to introduce. I tried to make the speech bubbles and dialogue digitally to save time - but it ended up taking way longer than usual and I don't like the end result too much. I might keep the digitally typed text but I'm going to hand-draw the speech bubbles from now on. I might have to come back and remaster this chapter because I'm not too happy with how the speech bubbles came out.

The next chapter is titled Ada, Robert, and the Ring. I honestly have been feeling the coming of burnout so I decided to take a small hiatus until next week. Drawing comics everyday while balancing school and web development is pretty stressful. I'll use the break week to draw up some concept art and make some other non-Heroine Rises related art. From there, I'll continue on with the next chapter - which should release in it's normal bi-weekly schedule. Keep an eye out!

Follow my Instagram for more consistent updates on art and Heroine Rises!

-Ezequiel Espinoza Diaz
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