Heroine Rises

The Daughter of the NSPD

May 09 2019

A month later since chapter 6 and 5 months after the start of the series we finally get to meet Maxine Rubin.

Click here to read the seventh chapter of Heroine Rises!

In this chapter we reunite with Madeline, Clarissa, Julian, and Juliette before following Julian and Juliette on their trip to the Northern Serenity Police Department.

This chapter is the longest yet, spanning 20 pages. I think I prefer these longer chapters because it lets me have more time to tell the story and not just focus on one small event as I often have to do with the shorter chapters.

The process for creating this chapter wasn't too different than usual. Back in late 2018 a while after I created the Disillusioned One Shot and started laying the groundwork for Heroine Rises, I decided to practice some penciling and dialouge between two of my favorite characters, Maxine Rubin and Juliette Sandover. I had a few pages penciled out but the pencils weren't up to my current standard so I had to redraw most of it anyway. I got a new brush pen that's versatile and can lay ink thin and thick so that made inking alot faster but I feel that the biggest time sink is still the scanning and digital formatting of the pages. It's also the most boring.

I worked a little harder on the cover page after feeling I didn't live up to my own expectations for the previous cover art. So that's why it's a bit different.

I've been bogged down with school and some web development work and found it difficult to work on the chapter as much as I would have liked.

So that being said, there will be another hiatus groans.

I'm not sure how long this one will go on for. I want to get some other things done and I've been itching to create something outside of the main Heroine Rises story for a while now.

While you shouldn't expect chapter 8 of Heroine Rises anytime soon - I will be working on art pieces and maybe a few short comics or something. I have alot I want to do but oftentimes I find that it just leads me to start so many things but leave them unfinished.

Until next time!

-Ezequiel Espinoza Diaz
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