
A Heroine Starts Anew

December 07 2020

After another rough production cycle, the final piece of the Chapter 1 Remaster is finally up and ready to read!

It should have never taken this long but at this point I'm starting to sound like a broken record with that line. I'm easily distracted. I tend to kick the can down the road. I spend more time fantazising about what Heroine Rises will look like rather than actually making it a reality. Throw in the whole pandemic situation and you have a recpie for lengthy delays. Sure, there were factors outside of my control but I have to shoulder most of the blame. This was a humbling journey. I know where my weaknesses lie and I know how much I still need to learn. Enough about me. Let's talk about Heroine Rises.

Madeline's Heroics

I mentioned that this chapter would use the original, more ambitous script I shelved in favor of the more 'safe' route I released in the original Chapter 1. This chapter has far more action, characters, and worldbuilding than the watered down version from 2018. I hope that the chapter is not only a better collection of art, but a better story as well.

That being said, what's next? I was thinking of working on the Chapter 2 remaster as it needs to flesh out the Jimmy Jarvis segment. I also will add a new scene to Chapter 3 and rework the art. I'll redraw every chapter up until Chapter 8 to better match the new style. From there, I'll continue to work on Heroine Rises as normal.

But doesn't that mean the (looong) awaited continuation of Chapter 12 will remain in limbo?


I want to devote all my time to the Chapter 2 and 3 remasters. From there, I'll split my time between projects - the remasters of the other chapters - and the production of new chapters.

I've gotten faster and cut out parts of my workflow to make the conveyor belt move faster towards the end of this project so hopefully that will bear fruit in the near future.

That's all for now. Enjoy the latest chapter and until next time.

-Ezequiel Espinoza Diaz
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