One Shots

One Shots: 'Sleep Habits' + New Art

February 14 2023

In this post, I'll give a quick update on the development of FireStarter Chapter 3 and showcase some new art I've been working on, which includes a short little comic!

Click here to read it now!

Maddie and Maxine in 'Sleep Habits'

When I started making comics, I had a different idea of where the plot would go. One of those plot threads included a scenario where Madeline and Maxine would find themselves stuck far from home. After a long arduous fight, they encounter a helpful masked agent who helps them by giving the tired women a place to sleep in her underground hideout. A shower and a warm meal later, the two are ready to sleep... only to find out there's only one bed.

It was fun to revisit some old art five years later. Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm not making any progress but projects like this show me (and whoever reads it too) that I have improved since then! Who would have thought that I would actually be able to achieve the look I dreamed of when I started making comics? Still lots of work to do but maybe I should have more confidence in myself!

So finally, is this scene canon?

No. At least, not yet.

Will it be?

It depends. If I choose to place this scene in the storyline later on, sure it'll become a canon and wholesome moment between these two. For now, take it as a throwaway comic strip with no implications for the story or relationship between these two.

Heart Ablaze... with Feelings

To celebrate the season, I will be posting two new pieces to the Gallery. I know I don't update it that much but I'll try to add a section for new illustrations to every blog post. I have lots of work I haven't shown off properly and I feel that it will help add more to these blog posts and the site overall.

These two pieces are of Maxine, who has been the focal character for the past months. It's difficult making 'love' themed pieces with Maxine because she's not really the 'loving' type. She's usually angry at someone or something.

I decided to make two pieces. One, where it's just Maxine in an urban environment posing in casual wear while maintaining her overall 'coolness' factor. I wanted to use pink/magenta colors so it didn't just feel like a normal Maxine 'grr' illustration.

For the second piece, I decided to create a 'cuter' piece, or at least as cute as Maxine would allow without being out of character. I channeled the feeling of Isolated Fears for this one, to present the more vulnerable Maxine which isn't seen inside of FireStarter but is explored outside of it. A cute dress paired with lots of red and a single rose is so fitting for the character isn't it? It would have been easy to do a piece with Madeline but Madeline already got the Christmas illustration!

Feigned Toughness

I have planned out two chapters that continue the story and theme of Isolated Fears. It was meant to be a single chapter but I can't escape the allure of serializations! The second chapter will center around the theme of Maxine's 'Feigned Toughness', a facade of 'tough girl' that Maxine presents to the world, and Juliette's efforts to break it down in the hopes of having Maxine be her true self.

I think it makes for a wonderful story that gives a calmer, more grounded conflict the spotlight. The 'Feigned Toughness' will be addressed in FireStarter but FireStarter will address the 'why does Maxine act this way?' question. This trilogy will cover some of the why, but mostly the question of 'love' in Maxine's life. Why is she so averse to making friends? Has she worn this mask long enough that it has become her actual personality?

The second chapter will probably be released sometime between the releases of FS03 and FS04. I've started work on defining the visual style for the project, it will be an attempt to channel the actual time period where the series takes place: The late 90s-2000s.

Can't wait to get started!

Closing Updates

FireStarter: Embers is still in development. I would say I'm around 60% done with it but I do plan on ramping up the time I'll work on it. I want to get it out by the end of the month but it depends on how much schoolwork piles up between now and then. It's a fun chapter and I've tried my best to continue to elevate the level of art. I can't wait to show it. That will probably be the next update so stay posted around the end of the month to see if it gets done by then!

Until next time,

-Ezequiel Espinoza Diaz
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