Heroine Rises

'The Daughter of the NSPD' Remaster

April 22 2022

Madeline's team reunites and discusses how to move forward with the Ring case, but the tools needed to conduct a forensic investigation are blocked by a fiery Maxine Rubin.

The seventh and FINAL remastered chapter of Heroine Rises, titled The Daughter of the NSPD, is now available to read here! As always, the original version of the chapter will be moved to the One-Shots section.

Sorry Officer, We're Just Fooling Around

Last chapter, the focus was on Robert Silva - this time the chapter revolves around Maxine Rubin, a young police officer doing her best to uphold the 'For Justice and the Greater Good' motto when the rest of the department ignores it.

Maxine was introduced in Chapter 1 as a minor antagonist but this is her proper introduction in her more 'natural' environment. Recently, Maxine has been the subject of numerous small projects like Isolated Fears. She even has her own mini-series in the newly established: FireStarter! (Both of which you should totally check out.) So what role does Maxine play in Heroine Rises? Hopefully, a larger one when the time comes. Maxine is one of my most interesting characters and she embodies the 'establishment' heroine. When the time comes, Maxine's role will be critical in the story.

For now, Maxine will remain a thorn in the side of Madeline's team. Julian does not like Maxine because she's mean and aggressive. Juliette pretends to not like Maxine, and Madeline holds no ill will towards the fiery personality. Maxine, however, holds a low opinion of Madeline and her efforts and is jealous of the praise Madeline receives for 'easy work'. She'd never admit that though. In fact, she wouldn't admit a lot of things - so never take anything Maxine says or does at face value.

Anyway, enough about Maxine - let's talk about what comes next now that the remaster project is finally finished!

Tread Lightly

I've spent the past few weeks being bogged down by a seemingly endless stream of school work but I have managed enough time to finish this chapter AND to work on plotting out the remainder of the Serenity East arc. I also have scripts for Chapter 2 of FireStarter.

So what's next? I'd love to work on FireStarter Chapter 2 but I also am eager to continue Heroine Rises and finally finish up The Issue With Mothers. I'll release the full Chapter 12 and then we'll see if I work on FireStarter or push forward with Heroine Rises Chapter 13: Tread Lightly.

I'm excited that I finally have found a way to weave the complexities of this arc together for a thrilling conclusion and hopefully I can see this arc through.

Until next time!

-Ezequiel Espinoza Diaz
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