Heroine Rises

Heroine Rises follows the story of Madeline Harbour, a small-time detective known for solving mysteries about runaway cats, stolen answer sheets, and misplaced library books. However, her dreams of becoming a 'heroine' in the city of Northern Serenity won't be achieved by beating petty criminals. Madeline knows she must move on - she needs to take on the city's 'actual' criminals to further her pursuit of the greater good.

Grappling with her own self-doubt and her mother’s over-protective nature, Madeline and her friends take on bigger cases, hoping that solving them will propel them to that coveted 'heroic' status. However, Madeline's quest forces her to take on the city's dark side. Rampant corruption within the government and police department, the unspoken and shady history of their city, powerful crime hierarchies, mysterious and magical artifacts, and shadowy figures that seem to be trying to foil Madeline’s investigations at every turn soon make the amateur detective understand why Serenity has no heroes.

Heroine Rises Chapters

Heroine Rises 12

The Issue with Mothers

Julian and Juliette argue over their leader's methods while Madeline tries to get info from Irene - until a certain visitor arrives.

Heroine Rises 11

Smoke and Mirrors

Maeve Colbrun-Lassiter explains the ins and outs of life in the Coastal Swamp until an unexpected visitor arrives to wreak havoc on the team.

Heroine Rises 10

The Butterfly Child

Madeline, Juliette, and Julian reunite at Grant Park to seek out Irene's daughter Maeve, hoping that the young butterfly chaser can lead them to the former Faccion woman.

Heroine Rises 9

Dangers of Serenity

Julian visits Ada and Robert in the Palisades while Madeline and Juliette head to the location Jamie Banks gave them… only to come face to face with the nastier side of Northern Serenity.

Heroine Rises 8

All that Glitters

Juliette and Julian learn about Irene's troubled past, while Madeline tries to outwit her mother and interview the local jeweler, Jamie Banks.

Heroine Rises 7

The Daughter of the NSPD

Madeline's team reunites and discusses how to move forward with the Ring case, but the tools needed to conduct a forensic investigation are blocked by a fiery Maxine Rubin.

Heroine Rises 6

Ada, Robert, and the Ring

Madeline meets Robert Silva - the husband of Ada Lima and gets more context on the Ring. Meanwhile, an argument brews over in the Isle of Tranquility.

Heroine Rises 5

The First Case

Madeline travels to the Palisades to meet Ada Lima, who has had her valuable ruby ring stolen from her home.

Heroine Rises 4

Mother's Concerns

Madeline confronts her mother, who is still reeling from a devastating loss some fifteen years ago.

Heroine Rises 3

Sassy Steel

Madeline treks through the Isle of Tranquility nieghborhood to meet up with the bold and sassy Juliette Sandover.

Heroine Rises 2

To Become a Heroine

Julian Gaitan talks to Madeline about taking their detective hobby to another level before facing off against an old advesary.

Heroine Rises 1

Small Time Detective

Madeline Harbour confronts an answer sheet thief in her pursuit of the 'greater good'.